The Weekly Tradecast explores how major economic events are affecting developing countries and the lives of billions of people.
The Weekly Tradecast looks at why trade, smart diversification and wider investment in development hold the keys to a more stable and sustainable future with special guest Célestin Monga, who teaches public policy at Harvard University.
This episode of the Weekly Tradecast looks at a new report by the United Nations on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) with Bruno Casella, a senior economist at UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
This episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at artificial intelligence and its growing presence in our lives with Angel Gonzalez, head of UNCTAD’s technology, innovation and knowledge development branch.
As the UN marks World Creativity and Innovation Day, this episode of The Weekly Tradecast looks at the creative economy with Marisa Henderson, chief of UNCTAD’s creative economy program.