Trade and Development Board, sixty-ninth session

Trade and Development Board, sixty-ninth session
20 June - 01 July 2022
Palais des Nations
, Switzerland


  • High-level segment: Getting the global economy back on track and addressing the most pressing challenges
  • Annual report of the Secretary-General.
  • Economic development in Africa: Reaping the potential benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area for inclusive growth.
  • Digital Economy Report 2021: Cross-Border Data Flows and Development – For Whom the Data Flow.
  • Activities undertaken by UNCTAD in support of Africa.
  • Implementation of the outcomes of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy.
  • Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development.
  • Technical cooperation strategy.
  • UNCTAD contributions to the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and social fields.
  • Institutional, organizational, administrative and related matters.
Sort by:  Symbol  |  Title  |  Date  |  Agenda item

Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 20 June to 1 July 2022
(TD/B/69/4) -  05 Aug 2022
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 20 June to 1 July 2022
(TD/B/69/4/Add.1) -  05 Aug 2022
(TD/B/69/1) -  11 Apr 2022  -  Agenda item 1 (b) 
Reaping the potential benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area for inclusive growth
(UNCTAD/ALDC/AFRICA/2021) -  08 Dec 2021
Report by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD
(TD/B/69/3) -  26 Apr 2022  -  Agenda item 7 
Cross-border data flows and development: For whom the data flow
(UNCTAD/DER/2021) -  29 Sep 2021  -  Agenda item 6 
English  |   Français  |   Español
(UNCTAD/DER/2021 (Overview)) -  29 Sep 2021  -  Agenda item 6 
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 21 to 23 March 2022
(TD/B/EFD/5/3) -  05 May 2022
Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 27 to 29 April 2022
(TD/B/EDE/5/4) -  08 Jun 2022
17 May 2022
21 Jun 2022
(TD/B/69/CRP.1) -  21 Jun 2022  -  Agenda item 11 
(TD/B/69/L.2) -  28 Jun 2022  -  Agenda item 1 (c) 
(TD/B/69/INF.1) -  29 Sep 2022
Agreed Conclusion 572 (LXIX) 1216th plenary meeting
1 Jul 2022
Decision 573 (LXIX) Closing plenary meeting
1 Jul 2022
Closing plenary meeting
1 Jul 2022

English  |   Français  |   Español  |   简体中文  |   Русский  |   العربية  |    
Recordings of the meeting Recordings of the meeting


Meeting series



Enquiries concerning registration:

UNCTAD secretariat
Intergovernmental Support Service
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10


Questions on preparations for this session:

Lisanne Losier
Deputy Secretary of the Trade and Development Board
Intergovernmental Support Service

T.: 41 22 917 4054